The Podcast.
The Shift is a docu-series produced and hosted by Katherine Maslen. In this engaging series, each season takes you through an area of health.
For each season of The Shift Katherine interviews over 20 experts in the area, then curates this content into an informative and easy to follow series that takes you through each aspect that you need to look at in order to make a shift.
- 24 Experts
- The latest science
- Real patient stories
- 57 countries
- 300+ reviews
- 5 stars worldwide
In Season One of The Shift, Katherine takes you through the fascinating field of gut health. You’ll discover how your digestive system works, the reasons we get bloating, reflux, irregular bowels, SIBO and more and what your diet and environment does to harm or heal your gut. There’s also some important conversations around the state of our healthcare system and the emotional aspects to gut health.
Experts on Season One of The Shift include Dr David Perlmutter, Dr William Davis, Dr Lea Galland, Dr Vincent Pedre, Kate Reardon, Dan Churchill and Nat Kringoudis.
In Season Two of The Shift, Katherine explores the important area of women’s health and the most prominent issues that women face. You’ll discover what your endocrine system is and how your hormones actually work, the reasons things go wrong, why the OCP is not the answer, the role of stress, your thyroid and much much more. This season also moves into the stress and emotional factors that women uniquely face and what happens during the menopausal transition and how we can navigate this time with grace.
Experts on Season Two of The Shift include Dr Jolene Brighten, Dr Will Cole, Lara Briden, Dr Libby Weaver, Dr Kulreet Chaudhary, Tara Stiles, Alisa Vitti and Tiffany Cruikshank.

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